Wednesday, 29 January 2014

The Shylife Special! Elliot: University Love!

Good day! Last time we saw Elliot, first born child of generation 9 heiress Lillith Von Strunkle, he was heading off to University newly aged up into a young adult! What will his time studying his Fine Arts degree teach him? Who will he meet? Where will it take him? Find out by reading on my friends...

Sunday, 12 January 2014

The Shylife of Lillith Von Strunkle: Part 7

Generation 9
Howdy! Last time on the Shylife (if you can think that far back) Saul's love for Sapphira shone through when her guardian disappeared and he brought her into the family home. When Lillith and Quinn returned from their free trip, it seemed that Lil was going to send Sapphy away but after a chat on the phone with the school, she managed to find Sapphira's cousin who agreed that she could stay with the Von Strunkles. What's going to happen next eh? Read on and seeeee...