Thursday 28 March 2013

Love Drunk: Chapter One

This is the story about an ordinary girl who took a gamble and left her home town with her best friend in tow. She had a dream, and she had the courage to follow it, regardless of the outcome! Whether or not she fulfils that dream is anyone's guess. But this is also the story of a handsome young man who had a dream too! He wanted to be a successful artist, he wanted to be in a famous band with his brother and best friends! Now he finds himself chasing that dream, sacrificing his two year relationship with a girl he thought he loved...until he found out what love really is and how it feels, now he will learn that the heart is not a toy, and that feelings that are so intense can tear your world apart and turn it all upside down.

This is the story of Lainie Robertson and Dexter Maloney. But it's not just about them, it's about the people around them too, their friends, relatives and lovers! This is how it all began, one touch and Pandora's Box was opened...

 "We really did pick a great time to move in Lain!" Roxy Harmon chuckled to her best friend, "Snow tonight apparently!"
"Oh well, these little things are sent to try us!" Lainie Robertson smiled and surveyed the dilapidated bistro she was honoured to be standing in!
"This is never going to work Lainie!" Roxy eyed the surroundings and winced at the sight of torn wallpaper on the walls showing the bare wood behind it.
"Relax Rox, this is so going to work! Just you wait and see! Once we've got it spruced up we can open and business will pick up! There isn't another diner for at least 2 miles! Have faith friend, have faith!" Lainie seemed too excited to listen to reason, this was going to be a dead loss! The landlord even said it, but Lainie always had a way of turning mud into gold! She'd never let Roxy down yet...but there was always a first time!

 It was a lot of work, but if anyone could do it, it was Lainie! She had managed to secure a loan to purchase everything she needed to create her own little diner, "Lainie's"! This had been her dream since she was a child and her grandmother taught her how to bake her first sponge and roast her first chicken! Lainie saw potential...

 ...where Roxy saw a disaster!

But over twenty years of friendship had to count for something! Going through high school and university together, comforting each other over doomed relationships and failed exams. Sticking together through thick and thin. Roxy owed her friend that, especially after she saved her life! They didn't talk about it, but Roxy had never forgotten...and she never would!

 "Aaaaaaachoooooooo!!!" A young blonde sneezed in the cold street as the much predicted snow fell and lay thick on the ground. Selena McLean stood in that street every night, waiting to catch a glimpse of her heartthrob, Dexter Maloney! She and her friend Erin Daley had followed Deadly Nightshade since the beginning. They were an indie/rock band doing the rounds in every club and venue in Moonlight Falls, sometimes beyond. There were no limits to Selena's devotion, Erin on the other hand was a bit more sensible...

 "Selena honey, I think Dex had other plans!" Erin's teeth chattered as she tried to speak. Selena just smiled at her friend, her teeth chattering too and her lips turning blue, "Come on, let's go home. We can see Dex and Ash another day eh? We're going to catch our deaths out here, I didn't bring a coat and this snow is pretty heavy!"

 "But Erin that's the point!" Selena's squeaky voice chirped. Erin gave her a puzzled look and replied,
"I don't follow..."
"Well the plan is to catch pneumonia and Dex finds me lying in the snow, he scoops me up and rescues me! I get to sleep in his bed for a few days as the doctor says I can't possibly be moved and by that time he'll have fallen completely and utterly in love with me! See???"

 "Oh honey, you're a special kinda crazy aren't you? And that's why I adore you!" Erin smiled and shook her head as a car stopped outside the block of flats and then began to slowly drive by.

 Erin rubbed her arms to get a little warmer and pleaded "Now can we please go home?"
"Alright, I can see Dex tomorrow!" Selena gave in, still cheery over the thought of seeing Dex the next day!

When the boys arrived home from their gig, Dexter spotted Selena outside his abode and ordered his best friend and band mate, Andrew Mitchell, to slow down and try to stay out of her sight! "Just go round the block one more time!"
"What the hey Dexter???" Drew cursed under his breath, tired and cold and wanting very much to get into his nice and warm bed.
"Please Drew! I'm really not in the mood for them tonight!"
"Okay, but you owe me!"

"I'm goin' to bed! I've had enough of this drama from both of you!!!"
"Well goodnight then Drew, jeez PMS much?" Ashton, Dexter's older brother laughed under his breath as Drew left the brothers to unpack their gear. After having to go round a further three times, Drew was in a very bad mood and stomped into his room without a civil word to either of them.

"It's not working is it Dex?"
"No, no it's not! We want different things want things I can't give you!"
"I love you so much and I'd give up everything for you! You just don't give a damn about me and I can't live like that Dexter!"
"No, no you can't!"
"Is that all you have to say? It's over and you don't even bat an eye???"
"I...don't know what you want me to say Rosalie..."
"Say you love me!!! Dexter???"

Dex had recently split up with his girlfriend of two years, Rosalie. She wanted him to give up the band, he wanted to get more gigs and even a record deal if they could. She wanted to get married, he wanted to focus on his music and his painting. He thought he loved her, she knew she loved him. He knew he should feel bad about the break up, but he didn't...and that made him feel bad!

 This was having an adverse effect on Dexter's painting. All he could draw lately were stupid still life paintings! It made him mad and frustrated, his walls were adorned with his masterpieces and he'd planned to cover his entire room, but one wall was bare. It wasn't going to fill up any time soon! Usually if he painted in his underwear, he got better results...not this time!

 Another strawberry later and Dex heard raised voices coming from the living room which was a miracle as Drew and Ash were jamming!

 A young woman had let herself into the boys' flat, Charlotte Kennedy put her hands on her hips and pouted, trying to shout over the drums and guitar, "You boys are making too much noise!"
"Aww Charl, you're a poet and you don't know it! Wanna write us a song?" Ash chuckled and continued to batter his drums.
"I'm trying to think! Keep it down!"
Drew piped up "Come on Charlotte, go with the flow, relax...why don't you have a go on Ash's drums! Very theraputic, just imagine it's his head!"
Ash pouted and yelled "HEY!!!" still drumming away.
"Hey guys? What was I saying again?" Drew sniggered at Charlotte's forgetfulness and gave her a wink and in his sweetest voice replied,
"That we were sounding good!" Charlotte gave him a puzzled look in return "Was I? Oh...but keep it down!"

"Um I don't think I would say that but...okay if you say I did Drew I would never..." Charlotte was a very kind and caring person, if a little crazy! She lived alone with her cats, Mr Fuzzickles and Mrs Ubercutes, she had been married but was now divorced. The boys often wondered if she'd been this kooky all along or if it was the split that made her that way.

 "Oh goody here's Dexter come to greet you in his pants again Charl! What a treat!" Ash shook his head and giggled at the sight of his younger brother in very little clothing strolling towards a visibly shocked Charlotte.

 "OH MY GOODNESS!!! DEXTER MALONEY!!!" Charlotte gasped and tried to look anywhere but at Dex.
"Put on some clothing at ONCE!!!"
"Uh this is MY house? Go back to yours!"
"Noise and nakedness, it's just too much! I'm calling Mr Grimes and having you...told not to be noisy and naked!"
"Okay, off you go!"
"Yes I will, goodbye! What?"

  "Maybe you could help me get dressed Charlotte? Something that you would approve of huh?" Dex gave her his cutest smile as she blushed and shook her head, her beautiful streaked hair flailing into her eyes.
"You boys are unbelievable!!!"
"Oh come on, you love us!" he grinned cheekily at her and batted his blue eyes. Dexter  knew just how much charm to use to make women weak at the knees and lost for words.
"Just stay clothed and quiet, you hear?" Charlotte's face turned crimson and she flapped her arms as she turned and left muttering away to herself.
"Yes Ma'am!" Dex saluted her and headed to his room to put some clothes on.

With their possessions packed and waiting outside the flat upstairs, the girls surveyed the old bistro once more. "Are you sure about this Lainie?" Roxy gave her oldest friend one more chance to change her mind...

...but Laine was determined, stubborn and totally adorable once she got an idea into her head! And when she got an idea in her head that was a crazy idea, Roxy always followed her even though there was a very big chance of failure, she would go down fighting with her! So when she replied "Yes Roxanne, I've never been more sure about something in my life!" it was good enough for her!

"Then I guess we do this thing! All or nothing right?"
"All or nothing girl!" Lainie grabbed hold of Roxy and hugged her tightly...

"Thank you!" she looked Roxy in the eyes sincerely.
"For what?"
"You know, for always supporting me!"
"Is it even a question?" As Roxy stepped back, she felt her foot crush something on the floor, it was sticky and squishy...

"Ewwwww what was that???"
"Just...don't look, let's go unpack!"

 Ash found Dex crouched down outside their flat engrossed in some activity downstairs. Two pretty young women were arguing over cases and boxes, Ash came to the conclusion that they'd rented the flat above the old bistro. It had stayed empty for months since the landlord's wife had found out about his bit on the side living there. It was nice to see new people in the building, such attractive people of the opposite sex. He could tell that young Dexter was thinking the same thing the way he was silently observing the girls. "What's occurring little brother?"
"Nothing, just...having a bit of alone time!" Dexter replied in a hushed voice.
"Uh-huh! Alone time!"

 Ash gave out a small laugh and softly kneed his brother in the back, "So, why don't you go talk to her?"
"To who?" Dex tried to sound nonplussed.
"Oh it's like this eh? Well she won't see you from all the way up here so why don't you go and offer to help her carry her stuff in?" this wasn't like Dex, he usually had a way with the ladies, talking to them was easy for him. Ash always found it hard to get a conversation going when he really liked a girl. Making friends, no problem, asking her out? Whole different ball game! When Dex didn't answer him he kneed him again and almost knocked him through the bannister, "What's the matter? Why won't you go introduce yourself?" 

"Because dear brother I am quite happy to observe from up here! There is no need for me to introduce myself! I'm just hanging out!" Dex let out a huge sigh and continued to watch the two girls moving in and squabbling over suitcases. It was obvious to Ash that Dex had a thing for one of them, so why hadn't he made a move?

 This puzzled Dex just as much as it did Ash, he had no clue why he hadn't gone down there and offered to help. He had no idea why he chose to stay out of sight and watch the clumsy girl who tripped over the old saggy box and landed on top of it, spilling it's contents all over the lobby. What he did know was that after they'd got all their things inside the flat, Dexter was inspired to play his keyboard and write a new song...something he hadn't done since he broke up with Rosalie!

With all of their bags and boxes inside, the girls took a moving in photo of each other and intended to hang it on the wall as a reminder that they started happy and must continue to be exactly that no matter what happened...happy!

When the doorbell rang for the first time, Roxy frowned and stifled a yawn, "Nope, not going! It's all yours Miss 'I want to be a super duper uber chef girly!'"
"Gee thanks FRIEND!" Lainie laughed and went to answer the door...

...stood outside was a young woman around their age. She had brown hair with blonde streaks and her outfit was...loud was the only way Lainie could describe it. When she spoke, Lainie knew she was a bit eccentric, "Hi there new person! I'm Charlotte, Charlotte Kennedy! I live over there up on the landing with all the plants and the cats that use the elevator! I came to say...well...hello!"
"Hi, I'm Lainie! Nice to meet you!"
"Welcome to the building Lainie! Is that short for Elaine?"
"No, it's not it's...!" Charlotte cut her off, not even waiting to find out what it was short for,
"Oh, strange ha! What's in a name except letters and funny pronunciations!" She chuckled to herself.

Lainie found this girl, Charlotte, odd to say the least! She was very colourful and extremely pretty but totally off her rocker! "Have you met the boys from number twelve yet?" she raised an eyebrow at Lainie and stared intently at her.
"N-no I haven't, not yet!" 

"Well a word of warning, they are very noisy boys! They're in a band together and they practice a lot! I'm next door in number 11 and I hear EVERYTHING! Mrs Ubercutes has a terrible time trying to sleep! She's my older cat!
"So if there's anything you need, just come on up the stairs over there and give me a knock. I work at the cat shelter down the road three days a week but apart from that I'm always in!" 

"Thanks, it was really nice to meet you Charlotte." As Charlotte smiled vacantly at Lainie she tried to go back into the flat and batter Roxy for hiding inside and leaving her alone. But part of her found Charlotte Kennedy to be a sweetheart who only wanted a friend. She got the impression that she only had her cats to talk to, which was sad as she was so kind and caring! "I'll stop by and see you some time, me and Roxy!"
"Oh, I never get visitors, it would be really lovely! We can have tea and biscuits and talk about the weather! How wonderful!" Yes this poor cat lady was just lonely, what harm could it do to visit her now and again?

Since spotting the cute clumsy girl an hour before, Dexter's creative juices were flowing! Not only had he penned a song, he had also begun to sketch a picture of something other than a piece of fruit!

Ash came breezing into the flat as Dex continued to draw and Drew was dozing on the couch, he slept a lot. "Hey hey boys! We're going out!" Ash announced and kicked the side of the couch to wake Drew.

"He's asleep Ashton?" Dex's voice came from behind the kitchen unit.
"You don't say Sherlock!" Ash replied sarcastically, "DREW WAKE UP!!!"

Drew was not too pleased to be disturbed, "What the hey elder Maloney!"
"We're going to go and say hi to the new girls downstairs!"
"Are we now? For why oh fearless leadless?" Drew yawned and smirked at Ash.
"Because Dexter has a crush on one of the girls and it'll be fun!"

Drew instantly stood up and said "I'm in!"

"I'm not going! You can't make me!" Dexter pouted and whined like a four year old.
"If you don't then Drew here will tell them all about you...HIS version!"
"Hehe ohhhh yeah!" Drew laughed and Dex got up rather swiftly from the floor...

"I will observe from the landing!"
"What is wrong with you? You and our bannister are getting pretty friendly lately!" Ash gave his usually flirty and confident younger brother a puzzled look.

"I don't think this is very funny dear brother!" Dex continued to pout and refused to look at either Ash or Drew.

"Aw Dex! You just turn on your charm and she'll be putty in your hands like all the others! This is just what you need to get over Rowena!"
"Whatever, come on!"

"They're probably out!" Dex tried to reverse back up the stairs but his brother grabbed his arm and pulled him back down.
"We just have to be polite and introduce ourselves! Simple as that!"
"I have stuff to do!" Dex once again tried to go back upstairs...

"Seriously what IS wrong with you Dexter??? Drew! Go ring the bell!"
"Why me?" Drew sighed and gave Ash a dirty look.
"Fine, I'll go ring the bell then!" Ash muttered and headed for the girls' door.

As the doorbell rang for a second time that day, Lainie wasn't letting Roxy away with it this time, "Okay we both go Brownie's honour?"
"Brownie's honour! Wait! That's a peace sign!" Roxy chuckled and gave Lainie a mocked disapproving look.
"So? Let's go torment the neighbours!" Lainie replied with a bigger laugh.

 The noisy boys! That's what came to Lainie's mind when she saw the three tattooed males standing outside her door. Roxy mumbled her approval in the shape of "Hubba hubba!" as Lainie elbowed her to be quiet.

 The one in the middle spoke first, rather nervously, like he hadn't spoken to a woman in a while bless him. "Hi! I'm Ashton Maloney, this is Andrew Mitchell..." he gestured to his right hand side, and then to his left...

 "And my brother Dexter!" the young man on his left was looking straight at Lainie, when she caught his eye he looked away blushing. He seemed rather bashful, and ever so cute!
"I'm Lainie Robertson and this is my best friend Roxy Harmon."
"It's nice to meet you girls, isn't it Dexter???" Ash gritted his teeth and nodded his head towards Lainie as the shy one, Dexter, shuffled forward...

 "Hello!" Lainie said softly and smiled.
"H-hi!" he managed to reply.

 Dexter could hardly find the words, his mouth was dry and his palms were sweating. He felt hot all over and his legs were turning to jelly where he stood...

 ...Lainie was mesmerised by him, he wasn't her type but she was under his spell. She didn't go for pretty boys, and he was ever so pretty for a boy! Despite the facial hair and the tattoos, he was a beautiful looking man!

 Time stood almost still, every move and sound they made happened in slow motion. His hand reaching out and hers responding... slowly and shakily, funny...he didn't seem the type to be shy and lost for words...

...he tried to speak, his eyes fixed on hers, but nothing came out. He had the most bewitching blue eyes, not like hers, they were almost turquoise! So bright and full of passion and creativity... 

...Dexter was transfixed! She had the cutest freckles and the most adorable nose! Their hands were inches apart but taking an age to actually...

...touch! As he felt her fingers entwine in his, it felt like his heart had stopped! And he would never be the same again!!!

Well that's the first chapter, I do hope you all liked it! Comments are great, please tell me what you think! It helps me to improve! :oD


  1. Aww so cute! Looking forward to chapter 2 :D

  2. Your story is nice, and I am looking forward to the next chapter. However, i cant stand to look at your sims.
    The guys are all too skinny compared to the females, they look like you didnt even customize their body types in any way!
    The females look pretty, besides the fact that their bust size has been put to the extreme making them look unattractive in the stomach area. The Bust size is so big, its actually pointy, and it doesnt look natural on either female.

    Im not trying to talk about you in any form or fashion, and if i have, Im sorry.

    1. Well thank you for your opinion. If you "can't stand" to look at them then don't, it's quite simple. Where I come from we have an old saying, if you haven't got anything nice to say then don't say anything at all! I can take criticism like the next person, but I don't take kindly to nasty remarks! I appreciate that we're all different in our tastes and ideas, but there are other ways to say things to people without being so hurtful and cruel. So I would appreciate if you kept yours to yourself in future as your little diatribe was not really helpful or constructive! Thank you!

    2. That's a bit sketchy to say. If you can't stand them, then you don't read! Is it that hard to understand? Lj's sims are unique and very good looking! Always have and always will! So don't you tell her what HER characters for HER story should look like! They were made for a purpose, their looks and weight were made to make the character stand out! Just to point out. This is sims 3. They're not meant to look natural or realistic. Another thing is, don't hide behind an anonymous account. It only makes you snappy opinion 10 times worse.

      Lj, don't listen to him/her! It's your story, your characters, your creativity! Think of the people you made fall in love with the characters! :D

  3. I havent told you to change your people in any way, i made suggestions. Their weight and bust size is not proportioned is what i said. Which stands out compared to the males I had yet to make a google account, which is why I am anonymous. Clearly, you cannot take Criticism, if you dont take kindly to remarks that you feel are rude. Im sorry, like I said earlier, that what I said may have come off as rude. I like the story, you are an excellent writer, but I do not think your sims are as pretty as they can be. They do not look as nice as they can. The bust size is too big for my liking, and because I say my opinion, and you dont like it, now I seem to be the bad person. I am not trying to offend you, and my comment does not feel snappy or nasty to me. If it does to you, Im sorry, but once again, I dont think your characters are as good as they can be. The story all that is wonderful, but If you can not take my comments, then if you had any thought of being a writer, then you wont be able to take theirs.

    1. No you are completely entitled to your opinion, of course you are. As I am to mine. However there is a way to word your opinion and not be cruel about it, which is the general concensus. And like I said I can take criticism but let me just clear up a couple of things:

      1. I have no desire or intention to become a writer, I just do this for fun and for my friends to read and enjoy. I'm not really that great at it but I like to share things with my friends, as they do with me. Any spelling errors, or repetitions, grammatical errors etc...fine that's great I take that on board should it be pointed out, and quite rightly so.

      2. I play TS3 for fun, I make sims to fit my stories, not stories to fit my sims. I made these particular sims (to the best of my ability) this way because that's how they are supposed to look and did look in my head. I am a female who is large in the bust area and unlike in the sims, I cannot adjust that with a slider. So maybe I would look odd to you in real life, but again that is your opinion.

      3. To say that my characters aren't as good as they can be, well I'm rather confused as to how you would know this as they are my characters and I created them. If I were, for example, making a sim version of a famous character in a book like Harry Potter, then you could by all means tell me that he could look better. You're basically picking at my ability at making sims, which is rather silly as we all have our own way of doing things. I see sims that some people have made and perhaps I don't think they look natural, but I don't say that as we are all different in our tastes.

      Like I said, I'm only doing this for fun, it's not an undergraduate degree course, and I'm sorry you don't like the look of my sims. But please try and be a bit nicer when telling someone your opinion as the fun then gets taken out of the process. I'm not a young, impressionable teenager but the next person you leave a comment for in that way might be. People's feelings are fragile and sometimes what you say or type can have a profound effect on them, sometimes leaving a lasting impression. So thank you for your feedback but I think we must agree to disagree as I really don't want to be batting arguments back and forth because it's really not who I am, I want to be friends with people not fight.

    2. whoa. Drama. I actually found the characters a good change of pace and quite extraordinary. Thank you for being a great author and I can't wait to read more of your work in the future!

  4. Nice story! I am looking forward to next one! Um I actually like the male weight size, and the size of the girls' busts was fine. Even if I didn't like THEM, your sims r ur sims. Clicking next chapter now...


Feel free to comment, but be nice! I share my thoughts and my stories with you because I want to, not to be insulted! Have a nice day! :)