Friday, 19 June 2015

The Shylife of Miles Von Strunkle: Part 4

Generation 10
Welcome back to The Shylife! Another baby was born last chapter, young Chase joined the family and what a cutie he is too! Also Lillith and her beloved Quinn took potions to make them human and had a birthday to become adults! So what is in store this time around? Lots and lots of things so read on...

Lillith and her beloved Quinn decided to take a much earned holiday and left Miles and Fiona to enjoy their family without them for a while. So eternally bored and dissatisfied Miles bought a new toy, one which MAKES toys! As his three younger children watched on in awe, he knew that what he was about to produce would have to be amazing to impress his audience! So first up was a Sir Bricks-a-lot for Chasey.

Followed by a balloon shaped like a fox for Faith.

And lastly a lovely teddy bear for Beau!

MILES: Have fun kids!
BEAU: What is dis?
FAITH: I wanted a pony!
CHASE: Brick? Is I buildin' a house?

Upstairs on the ground floor, oldest child Letha had a surprise for her mummy!

LETHA: I have a gift for you!
FIONA: Oh? Is it torment?
FIONA: Carnage?
LETHA: No!!!
FIONA: A button I can press to bring forth the apocalypse???
LETHA: I think it's better if you just open it instead of try to guess mum!

LETHA: There you go! I hope you like it!
FIONA: Wow, ha! Greeaaaat, a box with a red ribbon. So needed one of those!
LETHA: It's actually a butterfly? It's purple and you can name it whatever you want!
FIONA: I'll call it my next victim muahahahaha!

Before Fiona could sacrifice her gift, she felt a little sick!

LETHA: Mum? You don't look very well!
FIONA: *buuuurp* No!


Miles was blissfully unaware of his wife's condition as he sparkled like a Twilight pansy and created a robot dog!

But his creation would have to wait as the cries of one of his offspring interrupted his groove!

It was Faith, she had taken offence to the balloon fox!

FAITH: It squeakeds at meeeee!!! *whimper*

While Miles had his hands full with three toddlers, Phoebe came round for a visit looking a bit annoyed!

MILES: Phoebs what's up?
PHOEBE: Oh Uncle Miles I can't get any peace, Garth has discovered he can do magic and my life is a complete HELL!

MILES: Aww, well if you don't mind three screaming toddlers then you can always come back here to live? Plus it would really annoy your dad, I love annoying Sauly!
PHOEBE: Thanks but I'll pass!
MILES: Well if you change your mind...

Letha and Calvin had struck up a solid friendship since she was a baby and now she was a child, she wanted to play with him even more!

So she had a tea party in his honour, getting all formally dressed up for the occasion too!

LETHA: An orange juice for Prince Calvin! My liege!

LETHA: Oh Calvin how I wish you were real!

Careful, that didn't end so well for River, but it wasn't too bad for Zoey and Frank I do recall though. So you wish what you like kid! :)

Fiona's fifth pregnancy was confirmed with a spin and a pat of the belly!

FIONA: Aww, baby!

As if you didn't know! ;)

Letha was disappointed that the story she had heard about your imaginary friend coming to life was actually not true. So she drank Calvin's juice for him.

She plodded on with her homework as her mother read another pregnancy book! Is she a perfectionist as well as evil? O.o

Homework came to an abrupt end as Letha spotted Faith getting cosy with Calvin! She and Faith had never really seen eye to eye, sibling rivalry was well and truly alive within these two sisters like their father and Uncle Saul before them!

Faith was unaware of her mistake. She just saw a toy on the floor and wanted to play with it. She had no idea why her big sister was giving her the evil eye.

Chase was rather perplexed when Fiona decided it was time for him to learn some skills! Talking was first on the list and he was having none of it!

FIONA: Come along Chasey say mummy!
CHASE: ...
FIONA: Daddy?
CHASE: ...
FIONA: I have ways of making you talk young wizard!
CHASE: *gulp* Mumma dadda hehe!

Beau was struggling with the concept of growing up, he didn't want to go to school, he saw what homework did to Letha!

Spotting the robot dog that Miles had finally managed to finish, Beau used the time he had left to be a baby and play with the fun looking toy!

BEAU: Was dis?

BEAU: Is mine is was dis is!

BEAU: Wuvs its, shall I names you? Yesh, you is Eburneezur!

Finally Fiona was getting somewhere with young Chase! And Faith had yet to surrender Calvin to his rightful owner!

Beau's birthday was finally here and Miles thought he would do something a bit special with the cake, please don't?

MILES: Zimzalabim!!!

MILES: M-m-mmmmmm!!!

MILES: Bellissima!!!

I don't like that weird vapour smoking from it! :/

Miles took Beau to his putrid cake nevertheless while the rest of the family cheered him on!

MILES: Make a wish my big boy!
BEAU: I wish ta not be bigs boy!

MILES: Good luck son!
BEAU: Luck? LUCK??? Whats I need luck for??? Huh? Is I gunna die???

BEAU: Maybes tickled ta deaf!!!

And here is child Beau, disciplined now! He's going to be a bundle of hyperactivity I can tell!

No wonder you're looking, I wouldn't want to eat it either!

BEAU: Why does this cake smell minty???

Do not ask! >.<

They all tried the cake anyway, who knows maybe it will taste epic?

MILES: Oh no, no more cake for you chubs!
FIONA: You are so getting hexed for that, after this baby is born of course!
MILES: It was a joke? Wait!

MILES: Why didn't she tell me about the baby?

Because you're always in the basement making things?

FIONA: Hexing him will be so much fun!
MILES: Fi don't be mean!

FIONA: Oh oh Miles! Come feel this quick!

MILES: Oooooh!

MILES: Strong kicks!
FIONA: Sure are!

After feeling how powerful their unborn baby was, Miles wanted to have a little mind meld with Fiona!

FIONA: Ummmm, Miles?
MILES: Shh, we're connecting!

FIONA: Is that it?
MILES: Yeah your brain is smaller than mine and there's not as much in there so...all good! Thank you!
FIONA: Seriously hexing your a$$ off Von Strunkle!

FIONA: Oh no!
MILES: Baby?
FIONA: No your cake!!!

MILES: Can't be, I feel fine!
FIONA: Grrrr!!!

After being rather sick, Fiona had had enough of her annoying hubby and was good on her word and put a curse on him!

MILES: What are you...

MILES: Fi-Fiona?

MILES: GAH! Sssssoooo-cccccoldddd!!!

As her husband suffered the effects of her freezing curse, Fiona enjoyed it immensely! In fact she enjoyed it a little too much!

FIONA: Muahahahahahahaha! I am so good!

FIONA: I could leave him here, give me a little peace until the baby is born...

Fiona no! :(

FIONA: Oh alright then, I'll defrost him!

Shame on you! :-O

FIONA: I'm having a baby, I'm allowed an off day jeez!

MILES: Thanks for unfreezing me, but did you have to set me on fire?
FIONA: It was fun! Okay I'm sorry!

MILES: That's okay, I forgive you!
FIONA: Excited about the baby?
MILES: I sure am! Especially when it came as such a surprise!

MILES: I totally deserve your anger, and I'll try and stay out of the basement from now on okay? I'll help out more!
FIONA: Thank you, that's all I ask!

And help out more he did, while Fiona rested Miles took over the skill building with the toddlers.

Letha kept Chase occupied while Miles taught Faith to walk.

Fiona watched her big boy, still fascinated by the robot dog his dad had made. How quickly they grew up! FIona was a little sad and very happy at the same time. Sad that her children were getting older, but happy that there was another on the way!

Letha was having so much fun playing peek-a-boo with Chase, that she forgot he was still a very little boy and scared him a little too much!

LETHA: Boooooo!!!
CHASE: Arrrggghhh! Noes scared!
LETHA: Aww sorry Chasey, you scare me then!

CHASE: Okies, you get ready!

LETHA: You snooze you lose! Hehehe!
CHASE: Oi! No fairs waaaaah!

Everyone was getting along, Faith was almost maxing the walking while her brother mastered the art of not being scared when sister Letha tried to surprise him with a peek-a-boo!

Letha was not best pleased that Faith could now walk and follow her around like a bad smell! Beau was too in love with robo dog to care either way and Chase just wanted to be scared out of his wits, now he enjoyed it!

Miles was proud of his little Faith, talking and walking both mastered in time for the new baby to arrive! He didn't mind if it was a boy or a girl, he just wanted loads of babies!

Pregnancy affected Fiona in odd ways every time, and this one was no different as she cackled and pointed at thin air...

...and got very scary, is she looking at me???

FIONA: Grrrr, I feel the urge...

FIONA: HEX someone!!!

Empty threats missy! You always say that but sadly you cannot freeze or burn me, I am untouchable!!! Ha ha!!! :D

FIONA: Have a care, I am with child!

Doesn't make you any less evil young woman!

FIONA: You are worthy! I shall not hex you, you have passed the test!

Um, I didn't know I was taking one?

Faith's newfound skill was becoming very entertaining as she waddled all over the living room floor. Walking was fun!

It seemed that Miles enjoyed teaching her and moved onto Chase, it was his turn to learn the walking skill!

CHASE: Carefuls daddy, I is wobbly!

He was wobbly indeed as he struggled to make the first step without help from daddy Miles...

...and sat back down!

But eventually he got the hang of it and came running to daddy again and again!

Fast learner like his father, Chase was almost an expert in walking while Fiona thought she would take a nap before the baby was born as sleep would be something of a luxury after that!

Faith had never seen her mummy sleeping during the day and was a bit concerned.

FAITH: Daddy, mummy is poorly!

MILES: Aww honey, she's just really tired because she's growing a baby!
FAITH: Like granny Lil grows stuff in da garden?
MILES: Yeah, except mummy grows this baby in her belly!
FAITH: Huh! So she's not poorly?
MILES: No she's fine!

FAITH: I just stands guards in cases doh yesh?

Chase had finally mastered walking like Faith had a short while ago and he was very pleased with himself!

As was Miles, very proud of his boy!

Beau longed for the simpler days of toddlerhood where he could play with robo dogs all day and all night if he wanted to!

Now all he had to look forward to was sleep after homework and a nice shower before school!

Although stealing Letha's broom was a highlight, something he will no doubt pay for in later years! ;)

BEAU: Don't care, it's fun now!

Before bed, Beau indulged in a little chat with a stranger, that's dangerous kid!

BEAU: But thrilling!

I have no words! >.<

After a long wait, Letha's dreams finally came true and Calvin came to life!

LETHA: So the stories are true???

CALVIN: Hey Letha!
LETHA: I can't believe it's true! You're real!
CALVIN: I suggest you look up your family history, you have IF ancestors you know!
LETHA: For real???
CALVIN: Seriously, educate yourself!

Sassy! :/

Pregnancy continued to wreak havoc on Fiona's mind and body!


FIONA: This child shall be my minion to do my bidding!

FIONA: WHOA! What the...did I just go weird again?


FIONA: And who is Letha talking to???

What Letha did not know about the whole IF coming to life thing was that only she could see her IF! So when she talked to or played with Calvin she looked rather mental as to everyone else, she was talking to thin air!

And Calvin didn't clue her in either, I'm not sure if he's going to be a Vince or a Frank yet! :/

Fiona was bored of being pregnant, she wanted the baby to come now! Beau was intrigued by mummy's bump...

...and wanted a little feel!

BEAU: I think it wants out, it's kicking like really hard!

To keep her mind off of the impending birth, Fiona tried a little magic to cheer her up!

But she soon grew bored. Her bump was enormous by now and she was convinced this baby was well overdue!

Despite being her fifth pregnancy, it was her longest and most uncomfortable!

She constantly had to soothe the baby, kicking was a daily ordeal for her and she found patting her belly to calm it helped.

She even enlisted the help of her other children to calm their unborn sibling!

And they were more than happy to oblige!

Letha's soothing touch must have been just the thing for baby number five to finally decide it was time to come out as Fiona went in to labour almost immediately after!

Having been toddlers the last time their mother gave birth, Letha and Beau were distressed to see her in so much pain and discomfort while Miles took it all in his stride! Number five? Piece of cake!

Fiona's labour was as prolonged as her pregnancy but eventually...

...she gave birth to a healthy baby girl, a vampire like daddy and big brother Beau!

Just as Fiona and Miles were about to name their latest addition, they were joined by an old and very familiar face! He did not knock, he simply walked in as if he lived there...

...which to be fair, once upon a time he did! Generation 7 heir Cody Von Strunkle arrived at the most inconvenient of times, and he didn't really care!

MILES: Great grandpa Cody?
CODY: Is my room still green? Cuz I wanna be back in there, memories! Are you in there?

CODY: Well as heir it falls to you, or are we not doing that anymore?
MILES: I don't....get...what's going on?
CODY: I want my old room back, simple! Wash out yer ears young man!

Cody brushed past his great grandson and made himself comfortable on the couch he had sat on many times, flicking on the television he had watched many times too. Fiona stood holding her yet to be named newborn daughter, stunned!

FIONA: Miles?
CODY: Don't mind me, I won't be any bother! There are loads of rooms so you can move, it's simple, but apart from that you won't even know I'm here!
FIONA: Our room is in the basement!
CODY: Oh, good, then I can move in straight away then! Excellent!
FIONA: Move in?

FIONA: Miles, why? What? How? Who???
MILES: Great grandpa Cody seems to think he's coming back here to live!
CODY: Correction, I AM coming back here to live! I'm old, and I have a plot with my name on it out back! And there is a purple haired child staring at me, stop it at once!

MILES: Fi, I can't refuse him! He's the heir of the seventh generation!
FIONA: Miles we just had a baby, and we haven't even named her yet! This is our time, his is past!
MILES: He's family!

FIONA: I'm your family Miles, me and Letha and Beau and Faith and Chase and...this one here, she needs a name!!!
CODY: Come one, young people of my loins! Have mercy on an old man who should have died long ago!

As Miles and Fiona faced their dilemma, the doorbell rang and Cody grunted.

CODY: Ach, don't answer it, they're just tryin' to sell you somethin'!
MILES: I'll be right back!

CODY: So what's your little one's name then?
FIONA: Mercy!
CODY: Well, at least I was useful for something eh little witch!
FIONA: You've made your point!

There was a reason Cody didn't want Miles to answer the door, and she was the reason as Miles was about to find out!

MILES: Great Granny T???
TIA: Okay where is he?
MILES: Inside, driving Fiona mad! What's happened???

TIA: Ever since Elaina and Kirby had Meredith, Cody has been hankering for this place! He wants to come home and die here, be buried next to Lacey and Gino!

MILES: Mum and dad are coming home soon and we just had a baby girl, there's really no room...
TIA: Let me talk to him?

MILES: Five kids great granny T! Plus me and Fi, mum and dad! Nine in the household!
TIA: I know kiddo I know!

TIA: But what if it was you? Would you want to die anywhere else than Casa Von Strunkle?
MILES: *sigh* I wouldn't!
TIA: Let me talk to him, I'm not promising he'll leave! But let me try?

FAITH: He has your hair brother!
CHASE: Yeah, and your clothes!
CODY: Kids! Ugh, I was here on this planet before you! So you two stole MY hair and MY clothes!
CHASE: Grumpy, like Beau!
FAITH: *giggle* Nooooessss! Likes Letha! Hee hee hee!!!

Fiona had finally found a name for her baby girl, with a little help from Cody, Mercy Von Strunkle was now officially part of the family!

MILES: Great grandpa Cody? Great granny T wants a word!
CODY: Yes I know she does, several in fact!

TIA: Hello Cody! 
TIA: So you've actually done it? You've thrown yourself into the mix without even warning the heir of generation ten?
CODY: This is my home!

TIA: It's their home now Cody you can't just barge in here and take over!
CODY: I don't have to listen to this!

TIA: COME BACK HERE!!! Oh yes you do! Now you will listen to me and you will listen good! Miles and Fiona decide if you stay, not you! Understand?
CODY: This is my home!
TIA: Cody! Understand?
MILES: Let's not do this right now, can we celebrate Mercy's birthday first?
TIA: Sure, Cody behave yourself!
CODY: Whatever do you mean???

Miles and Fiona had a lot of thinking to do, but first Mercy was becoming a toddler!

Fiona was feeling less and less happy about letting old Cody stay, especially when he began to laugh at her daughter aging up!

As Cody laughed and pointed, Tia tried to make allowances for her husband.

TIA: He's like Quinn, he finds birthdays hilarious.
FIONA: I see, okay I understand!
TIA: Thank you! He is a good man Fiona, trust me!

Miles was far too preoccupied to notice he was smothering baby Mercy as he blew out her candles! Here's hoping she gets out of that one alive to enjoy growing up! :-O

Let's see how pretty she is and who's genes she's got! :D

Wow, so Miles/Aleisha's hair and Tia's eyes! Lovely, I can live with not having Fiona's eyes, hopefully they'll appear next generation? Pretty little Mercy is clumsy and loves the heat, that should be fun for a vampire! :p

MERCY: I can sense tensions over der! Old man upset mummy!

Yes sweetie but to be fair, it was his home way before it was hers plus he inherited it she just married into the family so...all I'm saying is a little live and let live is called for! ;)

As they enjoyed some cake, Fiona was reluctantly realising that allowing Cody to live with them was their only option!

FIONA: So if you're going to be living here we need to have a family meeting to discuss rules and boundaries.
CODY: All I want is our old room back! You'll hardly know we're here!
CODY: Me and T!

FIONA: So you're moving in too?
TIA: I am????
CODY: Course, not living apart from my T!
TIA: I...
To Be Continued...

So that's it for part 4! Cody and Tia are back to live out their lives in the legacy home! It's only right that they end up in the mausoleum with the past heirs and spouses no matter how peeved Fiona is! Until next time, thank you for reading and I shall try and get part 5 out as soon as I can! :)

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