Chapter Thirty: C'mon Mon Mon!
The Holden's returned to Forgotten Hollow on the day of my birthday, all grown up! Jairo was too, and Ronan headed back from Sulani just after his birthday for a final boys only camping trip before University beckoned.
I spent the rest of that disastrous party playing chess all by myself. Jude was mad at me, Chester was giving me a major interrogation and Monica had found a new sister in his girlfriend Violet. My life sucked!
Sometimes I feel like the one they always yell at when things go wrong, they also think I'm a liar but I did see Jude kissing Wanda and Wes going ballistic! Sometimes I hate them all!
It's so easy for Monica, she has a while before she ages up. Her head is in the clouds half the time anyway, she's so lucky that she has no pressure on her to be someone she's not.
Little Mon Mon, always breezing through life with nothing being asked of her. All she has to worry about is keeping her grades up, she doesn't even bother with boys...or even girls for that matter! She just doesn't show any interest in romance or school dances...but she seems happy enough. I wish I knew what that was like!
I wish I was back to crushing on a teen idol, not pining for another girl's boyfriend. Nathan got his wish, I haven't even spoken to Scott since it was apparent that I wasn't welcome in their circle of friends. I'm a little bit younger than them, maybe that's why. My birthday was later, in fact it was on this day.
This was the day I was to become a woman, no longer spoken down to by my stupid older brothers. Possibly gaining a new respect from my younger sister. One can hope I suppose.
Chester was constantly texting or phoning Violet, he's totally lost to true love. How does he even know she's the one? He's only had one girlfriend, surely people need to go out and test the waters before they settle for that one single person they're going to share the rest of their life with?
"Right c'mon kiddo, we have a lot of tidying up to do!" Great, he stood in my room and faffed with his phone, totally ignoring me then dropped that bomb?
"Where are the others?"
"Just do it Hazel!"
"Why do I have to..."
"Because it was your party, now move!"
It was my party, that's true! The mess was depressing! If we didn't clean it up mum and dad would never let us have another party ever again!
Chester just stood there and tutted at me. He really was moody these days, if this is what love does to you then I had a lucky escape with Scott. Maybe Monica has the right idea, love sucks!
I'd decided that I didn't want to be dad's successor. I choose freedom! Apparently that's not an option, as I tried to explain to him why I wouldn't be going to University like Chessy, and soon Hazel and Judey too, he gave me that look. The humour little Mon Mon look! I hate that look!
"Uh-huh? Sounds great Mon Mon!" Ugh, le sigh! Why does he always have to patronise me? I know I'm the youngest but still, it blows!
"I see!" That's it? That's all I get? "Well we'll just have to wait, maybe you won't have to, but if you're chosen then you have an obligation sweetie!" Oh crap! This whole chosen thing is so unfair, I mean why can't we toss a coin or something? If I am chosen, I'm gonna run away!
Jude was very quiet these days, we'd both applied for Britechester University, just waiting to hear back. It was going to be weird having my big brother attending with me. At least we wouldn't have the same classes, he was going for Fine Arts while I fancied Computer Science. I wished he would talk to me though, this silence was depressing! I had two mopey brothers and an overly chirpy sister, kill me now!
I sensed that Wanda had something to do with Judey's mood. He loved her so much, I tried to ask Wesley about what went down but he told me that it was all over and would never happen again! So I did see Jude and Wanda kissing! I wish Wesley would just let them be together, Judey isn't the same boy anymore. He really has grown up, he even worked out with dad now, it's beautiful to see them bonding after being at each other's throats for so long!
Johnny 5 told me that his new engineering job was ace, his words, and that my choice in degree was the shizz! He's an oddity that one, but I am in awe of Chester for creating such a complex machine that becomes more and more sentient every day! I am a genius but Chessy is a God ha ha!
I would have to come out in blotches on my birthday! It's the day I've been waiting for, Jude and I received our acceptance letters and as soon as this cake was eaten we were off to start packing.
Make a wish? How about for my skin to be flawless and my heart to mend? Yes I was still hurt over Scott Holden! Silly girl, but here's to a bright new future!
Judey and I were already packed and ready for our University adventure, but before we went it was time for one last bonding evening with Chessy and Mon Mon!
Jude always cheats at this game, Chester always plays fair and loses, and Monica does a little bit of both. Poor Chessy, he starts every game with so much optimism and cheer. It's a slippery slope!
I needed this, I was going to miss everyone even though Judey would be with me. He's really sweet now, like super caring and loving! He was a demon as a teen, but as an adult he's just a sweet angel!
Monica wass giving him smack talk and he was smirking at her, I don't get this game and I'm a genius, how do they do this?
I have a good poker face though, unlike Chessy who blurts out "AWWW MAAAAN!" every time he has a bad hand, it's hilarious, he doesn't even know he's doing it!
I pretended to know what I'm doing and tried to look intrigued by my crappy hand! I like to make Judey work for his cheating wins, and it ups Monica's competitiveness which is always a good diversion for Jude.
I love my siblings, we all get along pretty well. My dad once told me we were lucky to be so close in age, he was the baby and a bit of an afterthought. He was loved and adored by all four of his sisters and was particularly close to Auntie Raven, but he always felt a little lonely being so young.
Our faces say it all! Can you tell who won by our expressions? Yep it was Jude! Cheating is bad kiddies, you may beat your siblings and win the game but it's a hollow victory! Still Jude does it with a twinkle in his eye that means I can't stay mad at him for very long!
We were settled into Chester's old place, we'd attended most of our classes and got the feel for what the semester had in store. Hazel and I got along pretty well, she liked to ask me about Wanda and how I felt about her, I think she misses having girly talks with Mon!
This particular day though, she was sheepish and she was doing that baby voice she would do when we were kids and she wanted something from me. Apparently we were getting new housemates, "Jairo and Ronan have nowhere else to go, their dorms are flooded, please Judey?"
"Jairo and Ronan? Where are they gonna sleep?"
"In your room, they have their own beds, all you have to do is make some room, c'mon Judey!" She batted her eyes at me and pouted, my little sister was an emotional manipulator!
"I dunno nut, I really wish you'd consulted me first before saying yes to them!"
"Hey!" Debi Griffin squealed, "I can hear you, you do know I'm not deaf?"
"Ha, I disagree! She's so deaf she needs the T.V. up to max volume and she's so blind she has to stand right in front of it! JUST GET GLASSES DEBI JEEZ!" It was true, Debs did have hearing and vision problems, but she paid her fair share of the utility bills and when I'd found her at the student union she was blind drunk and about to plunge off the bridge because she'd failed all of her classes and had to repeat her year. I did her a favour when she was at her lowest point, I wasn't sure these boys were there but I had to go with my sister and agree to let them stay. We had the room, plus it would make the bills cheaper for us if they all contributed.
Jairo Dobson burst in with that shit eating grin of his, I never liked him and I don't know why. Ronan Wheatley followed, but they weren't alone. Jairo winked at my baby sister and said "Hey Haze, look I sort of have a confession!" Sort of? Either he did or he didn't, asshat!
"Um Haze please don't be mad?" Ronan added, I liked him but he lacked a spine. Both these idiots drooled all over my sister during their teens and neither of them did anything about it. I was hoping this would continue while we were all under the same roof.
The confession happened to be in the form of a person, Nathan Holden, Hazel's arch nemesis. I remember her having him by the balls and giving him a piece of her mind back in the day, he had tried to isolate her from his twin brother Scott and these two brain trusts for some obscure reason, he succeeded and she lost all of her friends. Those two clowns took his side, so you can understand why I was not keen on them at all! Despite liking Ronan, he still got on my nerves! I felt like they were using her, and that did not sit well with me one little bit!
Nathan was shy and quiet, "Hey Hazel, hope it's okay for me to crash. The guys said you wouldn't mind." I wasn't happy at all, but Hazel merely grunted and ignored him.
They had a nerve, all of them. I wanted to throw them out but Hazel seemed desperate to help them, maybe she thought this was a way of getting back into Scott's circle, she never did get over him even when he and Wanda started dating. I missed her, I didn't know how to feel about our kiss, and the fact that she still remained with Scott fucking Holden!
"Are you gonna sing to me pretty boy?"
"Wh-what?" I had him flustered, good. Make him squirm!
"Oh!" He laughed a little, then nervously mumbled some incoherence. I love it when they get nervous! "Th-thanks for letting us stay, it means a lot!"
"Don't thank me Abercrombie, it was Hazel who said you could, if it was up to me you would all be homeless!"
Hazel gave me a pleading look, as if to say play nice. So I did, I let them stay and I let them live. I didn't give them any grief at all! I saw Ronan eyeballing her and I refrained from smashing his face in.
I watched him and Jairo exchange glances that did not bode well, there was to be a contest and my sister was the prize! I'm a guy, I know what's what! But I wasn't going to make it easy for them! A big brother gotta do what he gotta do! Let the fun begin!
I was shocked to see Nathan, Jairo and Ronan never mentioned him. I didn't even know he was attending Britechester! Seeing his face just reminded me of Scott and how I had to give up my group of friends because Nathan was a douche! He tried to talk to me, the cheek! "Hey Hazel, thanks for letting us stay I...can we talk?"
"I have nothing to say to you!"
"Hazel please..."
I couldn't even look at him, but from the corner of my eye I could tell he was sad, well good! I lost my friends because of him and I still don't know why! "Look, I wanted to explain..."
Nathan Holden hurt me so much, he told every boy in our group to stay away from me. Ronan and Jairo both liked me, and the kicker was that Scott did too! He scared them all off, why? Why did he hate me so much when we were teenagers? And why was he trying to talk to me now? At that moment I couldn't care less if he lived or died, I still hated him!
Debi seemed very interested in him though, I overheard her asking Jairo if Nathan was single, you go girl. I wondered if I should warn her that he was a real snake in the grass. Nah, she's a big girl!
I could see Jairo leering at Hazel from across the room. I knew he still had a thing for her, he and Ronan both! Since we came to University I had zero influence on any of the group so Hazel was now easy fodder for them.
"Hey Nate, look I wanna make something clear." I knew what was coming, he was going to mark his territory.
"Oh you do, do you J?"
"Yeah, if I ask Haze out and she says yes, you're not to interfere, got it?"
"Nate I'm doing you the courtesy of telling you my intentions. We're not in high school anymore and you don't get to dictate to any of us who we can date. I'm gonna ask her and you don't get a say!"
"Whatever dude, you go for it!" I was done protecting her, I was done trying to save her from the shit show that was my brother and his shitty friends.
If she wanted to date Jairo, then who was I to stop her? She hated my guts anyway...but...I still cared!
She was arguing with her brother, another Smallwood who hated my guts. It was playful and sweet, like siblings should be. Not like Scott and me, we were identical twins but we couldn't be more different. Hazel thought the sun shone out of Scotty's ass, when the truth is it just stinks like any other assshole!
Jude was a good guy, I knew he would look out for her, but he didn't know Jairo and Ronan like I did, they weren't nice guys. I tried to tell Hazel that once but she wasn't interested.
When Jairo joined the fray, I couldn't watch. I headed upstairs to the boys' room. He was going to make his move and trap this little butterfly in his web, creep!
He stared at her, I call it leering, but anyone else would say it was just gazing adoringly. Jairo was a dick, surely Hazel would realise it? She was too nice for that prick!
"You got something to say there Heavy Metal?" Jude always had nicknames for everyone, and by the sound of his tone he wasn't keen on Jairo which was a relief to me.
"No, no just wondered if Hazel wanted to help me out with my presentation!"
"As long as that's all you have on your mind!" Yep, Jude was no fool thank the lord!
I headed upstairs content that Hazel's brother would keep Jairo in check, even though I knew that her dating him would be inevitable. She still talked so fondly of my brother, if she only knew the truth, of what he had done and what he was capable of. I couldn't say anything, there was more than my worry for Hazel at stake if I opened my mouth!
I found the girls' door open and Ronan perving on Hazel's laptop, "What are you doing in the girls' room Ro?"
"Oh Debs said I could work on my paper."
"We have a laptop in our room, what are you doing?"
"I just wanted to sit here, jeez chill Nate!" He wanted to poke around in Hazel's things more like. Why was I the only one who could see this?
Debi appeared and sat down next to me, this was de-ja vu to me. We had previously been in this position, only she was in her underwear and I was trying to explain that she was a nice girl but not my type. I let her down gently but this new convo made me realise I was too gentle! "Natey babe I knew you'd come back to me!"
"What? Um no I saw Ro in here and..."
"Yeah yeah, you're on my bed dude, you want me!"
"And I'll tell you this, even though you turned me down flat the last time I'm willing to give you another chance! Cuz I'm a reasonable woman!"
"Debs I don't...have time to date I'm sorry! I am so at risk of failing this semester I need to concentrate on my studies. Also my heart belongs to another!"
"What?" She looked angry, then the anger changed to intrigue.
"Oh, no. Just someone I met during the summer. Now I will never love again!" Lies came easily to me when it meant sparing someone's feelings. I learned from my behaviour with Hazel when we were teens. I handled that whole thing so badly. I intended to make amends and do it right this time around.
When I was a teenager, I was a little shit, we all know this. Even though I vowed to be a better man, sometimes people piss me off and the old Judey comes out. This particular day, Jairo fucking Dobson was getting on my tits. I added a secret ingredient to his special salad. I'm a slob, gimme a break!
On several occasions Wanda had texted me and tried to call. I ignored them all because it was easier that way, but something made me answer this call. I missed her so much and I yearned to hear her voice. She and Wesley were off to the Magic Realm to become fully fledged spellcasters. This was her version of University, and I hoped she was enjoying her time there.
"Jude? Wow you picked up!"
"Yeah sorry I've been ghosting you I...thought it would be easier for both of us. Man it's great to hear your voice, I miss you so much!"
"I miss you too Judey, I really do! Listen there's something I need to tell you. Scott and I broke up!"
"No, I'm not! He was cheating on me the whole time...with Bethany Marsh!"
"Bethany, blonde girl? Debi's cousin?"
"Yeah, but that's not all..."
"You mean there's more than cheating? That's pretty fucking messed up enough in my opinion! Wanda you are better than him, he did not deserve you!"
"I know, his excuse for sleeping with her behind my back was because I was frigid and wouldn't put out..."
"Beth's pregnant, they're getting married. So you see, karma has bitten him on the ass! He had to drop out of Foxbury and get a job. It's all good! I've been thinking about what you said..."
"We can't do this Wanda, you know that! Wesley will never allow me to be with you. But I am working so hard here, I'm getting A+ in all four classes. I study every day and I'm on the soccer team! I'm towing the line, for you! For all the good it will do me. He won't let us be together, want?"
"More than ever, I lo..."
"Listen Wanda I can't talk right now, there are too many assholes listening in. I'll text you later okay?"
"Speaking of assholes, I'm really sorry about Scott. He's a shitty person who never deserved you, believe me there are lots of them going around!"
"Bye Wanda!" Shit, she was gonna say she loved me. But I couldn't hear it, I couldn't know what I could never have! It would hurt more!
I looked over at those two bastards, they knew all along! Scott Holden was a cheating man whore! Not only was he cheating but he couldn't even put a rubber on it, Bethany Marsh was having his baby! I was so mad, Wanda did not deserve to be betrayed like that!
Nathan was moping around in our room that night, but because I was so fucking riled, I took his twin's misdemeanour out on him.
"Cheating chunk of dick cheese, aren't you ashamed? How could you keep this quiet from me? You know what Wanda means to me!"
"Look I'm as disgusted as everyone else! Why do you all think that because we're identical twins that our personalities are identical too? Huh? I AM NOT MY BROTHER!!! I'm NOTHING like HIM!"
"Whoa whoa, chill dude, chill!"
"I'm so sick of being judged by his actions and his shitty behaviour!"
"I'm sorry Nate, I was out of order. I'm just so mad! Wanda is such a sweet girl, everyone's friend and so inclusive. Unlike some people!" I thought now was the best time to bring up his treatment of my sister.
"So tell me!"
"Scott is such a creep, I cannot believe we shared a womb. Hazel thinks he's such a great guy, she doesn't know my brother like I do!"
"Actually she's fine, she drifted away from Scott just after Hazel's party. Something changed, she stopped calling him and coming around. Don't get me wrong, Scotty was screwing Beth the whole time they were together, but he held out hope that Wanda would sleep with him too."
"Oh, well you've been into her for a long time. You're a better man than Scott by a long way!"
"So what about you? Why were you so awful to Hazel? What did she ever do to you?" Nathan looked me straight in the eyes and took a deep breath.
"The truth is, none of those guys are good enough for your sister! My brother included, obviously! I handled the whole thing badly, from the very start!"
"I fell in love with Hazel the minute she tapped me on the shoulder in the school corridor and called me Scott. I loved her! I love her!"
"Well you have a shitty way of showing it!"
"I know, I was flustered and tongue tied. I was also pissed off at being mistaken for Scotty the sleaze! Then every time she was in my company I was a douche, it was like I couldn't stop myself from being completely awful! The only way I could keep my brother and his horrible friends away from her was to threaten them to back off. I did it for her protection, and out of jealousy because I couldn't tell her that I wanted her all to myself. How could I?"
"Yeah Jude that's...that's hilarious!"
"No seriously, 'fess up! She needs to know how you feel!"
"She didn't believe me before, I tried to tell her that Scott is a cheating douche, Jairo is a materialistic asshole who only cares about the Smallwood family title, and Ronan is a spineless weasel who would probably allow both of them to share her with him. He did it before with another poor girl. I just want her to be untouched by their crappy behaviour!"
"Tell her everything Nate, I mean it..."
"...or I will!" I believed every word of Nathan Holden's story. I believed wholeheartedly that he was in love with her. I believed that those guys were assholes. I believed that Nathan was a worthy man for my sister!
They were fishing for any way to impress her. Jairo chuckled and told Ronan he had no chance and that Hazel was gonna be his. I wanted to tell her, but she wouldn't listen. I held onto the hope that Nathan's declaration of love would open her eyes.
I had my doubts though, Hazel had been blinded by Scotty shit face for too long, there was no way it was gonna be that easy!
The house was quiet without Jude and Hazel. Chester was either working or at Violet's, so I hardly ever saw him. He had got a job in the Diamond Agent career as a Spy Captain for S.I.M.S. and he got in at level 8, partly due to his degree and partly because he was Landon Smallwood's son.
Mum was constantly on my back, with Chester being so busy and the other two at uni, she had all of her free time to ask me a load of questions. It was getting tiresome!
Chester was grumpy, he wanted to get a place with Violet and not wait for the stupid heir thing. I was with him, I didn't want anything to do with it either!
Dad was explaining why Violet couldn't move in, because Jude and Hazel were coming back and there was no room. Chessy's voice was loud and shrill and it almost drowned out mum's incessant nattering.
"Chester, keep your voice down!"
"It's not fair!" He was being a real baby, for a grown man who worked as a spy he sure was immature!
But the real fireworks were about to explode in the kitchen as mum gave me an interrogation over my life choices. "Daddy tells me you don't want to be chosen as his heiress!"
"Yeah, so?"
"It is not something you can duck out of young lady, it is your birthright!"
"Monica! That's not how it works and you know it! Also what is this rubbish about you not going to University like your other siblings?"
"I...I wanted to be a gardener, I don't need a degree for that. I have simple goals mum! Respect my life choices, please?"
"How are you going to attract a husband with no degree?"
"I don't intend to marry!"
"Children out of wedlock? No, no your father and I did that and it wasn't ideal!"
"But mum I don't intend to marry anyone or have kids. I just want to breed cats and plant fruits and vegetables. Maybe move to Sulani and befriend a dolphin."
"OH MY GOD MOTHER! Do I have to repeat myself? I don't want to be heiress, I don't want to go to uni, I don't want to get married and I certainly don't want to have any SNOTTY NOSED KIDS!!!"
"When you are under this roof you abide by the rules. Your father had a duty to pass down his legacy as does his successor, be it you or your sister or brothers. It's what the Smallwoods do Monica and it's something you cannot opt out of no matter what you want to do with your life and that is FINAL!!!"
"OH MY GOD I HATE YOU SO MUCH! I no longer want to be under this roof, I'm going to Gamma and Grandpa's! I can't stand to be around you!"
"You don't get to talk to me like that! I am a human being and I deserve to choose my own fate!"
"Monica please don't...don't go!"
"I'm leaving! Gamma will take me in!"
"Your brother always threatened to leave but he never did, you won't leave!"
"Try me!"
"What the hell is going on here? Mum? Mon?"
"Ask her, she's nothing but a dictator. She's so into the rules of this family and she's not even a Smallwood by birth, dad is and he was way cooler than this! I'm outta here!"
"Your sister is leaving for Newcrest, apparently she's going to live with your Gamma and Grandpa!"
"So can Violet move in now?"
Gamma was waiting for me when I hopped off the bus from Forgotten Hollow, apparently my snitch of a mum had forewarned her of my arrival. Uncle Drake was happy to see me, it's weird calling a kid my uncle, but this family is weird.
Both he and Cole gave me the third degree, they'd never been to Forgotten Hollow and as baby vamps they wanted to know all about it. They were cute, for snotty brats. They bombarded me with questions and fought over who was my favourite. "She likes me best!" Drake smirked at his twin.
"No she does not!"
"Does too!" They were pretty darned adorable! But I still wasn't having any!
Gamma asked me all about my disagreement with my mum, so I told her everything. She listened intently and nodded, being the first generation and founder she was surprisingly sympathetic.
The twins were on my side, they said it was a load of poo, their exact words. Still Gamma didn't reveal her feelings about it. Grandpa came in and looked surprised to see me.
"Hey pumpkin, what brings you over here?" Clearly Gamma hadn't told him.
"Monica is staying with us for a while, she had a...disagreement with Jessica."
Grandpa looked concerned, he was really fond of my mum and often bought her paintings when they were on display. You could say he was her number one fan. He didn't like the idea of getting involved, torn between his favourite daughter-in-law and his granddaughter.
"Is not!"
"She likes me best!"
"MUUUUM!" Cole was the soft one, Drake was more dominant. The truth was I had my own room. No sharing with smelly little boys for me!
Grandpa was troubled, I could tell he would much rather I went home and stop this nonsense, but I had to stand my ground.
And Gamma, founder of this legacy, found herself between a rock and a hard place. Having started this whole heir thing, she felt responsible. What was apparent to me though was that she regretted the fact that her descendants would have their fate decided and that was all on her. I didn't blame her, but I wasn't too happy about it either.
I tried to deter Hazel from dating any of those douchey guys. Nathan still hadn't told her the truth or revealed his feelings for her. He tended to avoid her and that didn't help matters at all!
Whenever I mentioned him she didn't want to talk about him, she really did dislike him. It was obvious now to me that Nate did what he did out of jealousy and love. Only a boy who's in love with a girl would warn off his brother and friends from dating her.
I honestly thought that she would listen to me, her big bro. I tried to tell her what a good guy Nate was but she was having none of it. Just as I was about to crack her, her phone rang.
"Mon? Is everything okay?" She listened to Monica rant for about ten minutes. She sounded really annoyed, but then again she was a teenager and everything was dramatic at that age.
"Do you want to speak to Judey?" Oh God please no! It turned out that she'd had a major fight with mum and took off to Newcrest. She did what I always threatened to do, she moved in with Gamma and Grandpa.
I continued to work hard on my degree, I was halfway through and still on an A+ average. I thought about Wanda and how much I missed her. How much I wanted to kiss her again. I thought about Wes, how was I ever going to convince him to let me be with her?
I just knuckled down for now, trying to focus on why I was doing this, to be the man Wanda Wolfe deserves!
I was constantly being harrassed by these dickwad lotharios. Ronan was always asking me to put in a good word for him with my sister, no fucking chance!
I'm a really nice guy, I could be good for her, blah blah! Over my dead fucking body! The only guy I would even entertain dating my sister would be Nate! End of!
Jairo took another approach, creeping around the subject, Hazel. She was loving the attention but I don't think she was sure of either him or Ronan. I was hoping Nate would grow a pair and tell her everything, show her he was actually the best of a bad bunch! But he remained silent.
Even as the two douche canoes taunted him. I wanted so badly to rip their heads off. But Nathan took it all in his stride. I wondered what his secret to being so zen was. How did he remain so calm?
I was gonna fucking lose it, those asshats would not stop bugging me! "I'm gonna nail her you know!" What a dick!
"We'll see!" I hated this, but there was nothing I could do. She would never listen to me again! Not after last time. I just had to hope she wouldn't be gullible enough to fall for his crap!
I watched them both, it was pathetic. She was flattered by their attention though, I could tell. I wanted to flatter her, to give her that attention, but she hated me. Although Jude had told me to confess everything to her, I just couldn't do it!
"Which means you're not, how is that a good thing for you Ro?" Douche!
Jairo tried to sweet talk Jude, but he was wise to his game. I was lucky enough to be friends with Hazel's beloved brother, if she ever stopped hating me it would work in my favour, if she stopped hating me though. I doubted that would ever happen!
Hazel had a party on the final day of our second semester. All of Jude's former Harem were invited as a joke, Jairo's sense of humour, but only two turned up. Tina O'Neal was still holding a candle.
It was quite the party, I couldn't believe how beautiful Hazel was, I didn't think it was possible for her to get more gorgeous but she was. That dress, I was so in awe of her!
I watched her listen to Szara moan about her slut brother who had a limp dick, it was shocking stuff and if I were Hazel I'd have bitch slapped her. Jude was a cool guy, no wonder he didn't want to tap that!
He was having enough trouble with Tina, he'd really made a rod for his own back by entertaining these girls back in high school. He certainly wasn't that guy anymore!
But it went down like a lead balloon, "Go to hell Holden! You think you're such a smart ass! Don't even talk to me!"
Then the flirting began, she was laying it on so thick with Jairo it hurt my heart so much. Both of her brothers were not impressed, even Chester who is easy going, he couldn't hide his dislike for Dobson!
Something inside me was lit, a fire that burned so badly in my gut, "Hazel can I talk to you in private please?" It was now or never!
To my surprise she agreed to come upstairs and talk, but as soon as we were alone she laid right into me. "Oh my God Holden what the fuck? Why can't you leave me alone?"
"I need to clear some things up..."
"The part where I stay away from you, Hazel..."
"You made my life hell, you took away all of my friends, you were rude and nasty! What makes you think I could ever listen to anything you have to say?"
"No, it's the truth!"
"I...don't believe you!"
"I warned the guys off because I wanted you to myself, because they are not worthy of you! A spineless wimp, a money grabbing status obsessed jerk, and then there's my cheating ass of a brother who got Bethany Marsh pregnant while he was dating Wanda Wolfe!"
"They are all losers who do not deserve a girl like you Hazel! They are not even in your league! Neither am I, but I still love you and want to make you happy! I've loved you since the day you tapped my shoulder and thought I was Scott, Hazel you're he only one I've ever wanted!"
"Why are you telling me this now? Why did you have to put me through such hell?"
"Because I was a stupid teenager who acted like a shit stain because he didn't understand what was happening, why he felt the way he did, how you were going to react. So defense is the best form of attack! I'm truly sorry, I regret it you have no idea!"
"You just spring this on me now? About Scott and Beth? About him being a father? Didn't you think that would hurt me?"
"Yes, I suppose. It should, he is a hurtful bastard, you should be upset with him! You should also be grateful you had a lucky escape!"
"How dare I tell you I'm in love with you? Gimme a break Hazel please! Just...try to forgive..."
"NO! Don't come near me, I swear I'll rip your balls off with my bare hands!"
"Well I DON'T love YOU!"
Oh my God! What the hell was that??? Nathan Holden just told me he loved me? What the actual fuck? I had no idea how to process this, no fucking idea!
When he finally came downstairs, I don't know why I acted the way I did! I started flirting with Jairo, flirting while Nathan watched...
...even my brother was disgusted with me, my first kiss! My first kiss with Jairo Dobson! I'd always wanted it to be with Scott, but Jairo was my second choice.
Nathan was so hurt, he'd just told me he was in love with me and the first thing I did was flirt with and kiss another guy! What was I thinking?
Jairo was now all over me, I didn't know how I felt about this. I just went with it, my head was all over the place. I was so confused and angry, I wasn't thinking straight!
If Hazel hadn't made herself clear before, I definitely got the message this time. Jairo was gloating, he was gonna nail her. His words not mine! She had no idea what she was getting herself in for, I tried to warn her, protect her, but she didn't want to listen! "You lose Holden!" There was that word again, lose. There were no winners here, only fools!
I had to grin and bear it, as Jairo pawed all over her, stuck his tongue down her throat and made a real show for me! My heart was aching, she had no idea what she was doing to me, or maybe she did. I was more worried about her though, Jairo was a bad dude!
I had lost her before I ever had her, she would continue to hate me, and I would continue to die a thousand deaths of heartbreak and pain!
I had a slight hangover and a headache, also my mouth felt like a mouldy old carpet covered in lint. Jairo didn't look any better than me. Did I actually kiss him last night? Three times? I'd made some lunch as we had woken up just after 1:30 in the afternoon.
Jude was in a foul mood, he no longer drank so I couldn't understand what was making him such a sour puss. "So you finally crawled out of your sleazy pit then?" I didn't know what to say to that as I heard Jairo muttering next to me.
"Dude what the fuck?"
"You're both disgusting!" He was really mad, I was so confused.
"Jude what's..." I didn't get to finish what I was going to say when he told me to shut the fuck up.
"I've got a headache from all the loud music last night, and clean this place up! It was your party after all nut!"
As Jude stormed off in the direction of the stairs, he turned to me with a face of twisted rage and muttered, "I hope it was fucking worth it, I hope he was worth it!"

Jude was never usually that angry, not since his teens. I couldn't think of anything I'd done apart from kiss Jairo. I knew my brother didn't like him, but this was a bit of overkill.
"Do you think she even cares?" I heard Debi ask Ro.
"I really don't know, she seems to be taking it well." What were they talking about?
I tried to listen to the rest but they were talking so quietly I couldn't make it out. Jairo came downstairs after having a nap, he was really helpful with the cleaning up, not! He got the same weird looks from Debs and Ro as I did.
"Know what? Ro, you're making me worry!"
"Nathan moved out this morning, he dropped out of his degree and his phone is off. Even Scotty can't get a hold of him. You really upset him last night J, I really hope he hasn't gone and done anything stupid!"
My heart was in my mouth, Nathan was gone? He'd dropped out completely? Why would he do that? It was all my fault. I was so horrible, I felt awful...for a minute. Then I started to feel anger, what a drama queen! As I listened to Jairo, sounding genuinely shocked and concerned for his friend I got even angrier. How could he do this to his friends and family? Selfish creep! Good riddance! I couldn't care less...actually I was worried sick, Holden what have you done?
I was loving it in Newcrest, Gamma and Grandpa were great! Gamma was a much better cook than mum, and Grandpa would tell me stories about vampires and their history. I didn't miss Forgotten Hollow one bit!
Gamma was an inspiration, a mega famous author, she would do conventions and read chapters from her books for people. She was so cool, for a grandmother.
I was still angry, I hated that the Smallwoods had no control over their destiny, it was inhumane. I talked at length to Gamma about it but she would get upset and I couldn't see her like that. I loved her, but what she had created within our family was not right at all! Legacies sucked!
Grandpa was now an avid telly binger. Ches and Jude tried to get him into it back when he lived with us, but he was so old fashioned and stuck in his ways. It wasn't until my dad became heir that we actually got a television in Wolfsbane Manor. "Hey Grandpa, whatcha watchin'?"
"I have no idea, but it's amazing!" A true convert! He was adorable!
"I have crackers Monica, I'm cooler than him!" Drake beamed, they were always in competition for my affection, it was so cute and made me feel wanted. Being the youngest, I never had that.
We watched some strange reality T.V. show as my grandfather would mutter the odd "interesting" and "fascinating" now and again while scratching his dimpled chin. He truly was my favourite person in the whole universe.
Although I adored both the twins, Drake seemed to monopolise most of my time, which would make Cole pout and strop into his room. Their favourite game was virtual bowling and until now Drake was champion. I was beating his little vampire butt easily. "So are you like, staying here for good?"
"I dunno, I have a lot to work out Drakey."
"Well, I hope you stay forever! I love you Monica, you're so cool and you are always kind to me...and to Cole, who let's face it, is a bit weird! But he's my brother and I love him too!" Out of the mouths of babes, I loved these boys as much as they loved me. They were adorable!
"Well I'm staying until I finish high school at least. After that, who knows? But we still have a good while together...and...I love you guys too!"
"Cool, but since I'm technically your elder, you gunna let Uncle Drake win for once?" He winked impishly at me, oh Uncle Drake, you sweetie! I let him win, just this once!
Having Monica here was problematic, the boys adored her and wanted her to stay forever, but I knew I had to convince her to return to Wolfsbane Manor. She had brought my very different twin boys together in a way I could never have imagined. They were always competing for everything, but since Monica arrived, their competitiveness was now playful rather than aggressive. Having her around was a tonic, I couldn't deny it! The boys were even helpful, and did chores!
"What are we going to do with Monica?" I whispered to my husband, Cole was washing dishes behind us.
"Keep your voice down, I don't want Cole to hear! I think she should go back to Landon and Jessica. They miss her terribly!"
Cole stopped what he was doing and stood rigid behind me. "Cole darling? Are your chores complete?" I could hear him sniffling.
"Yes mum, are you going to send Monica away?" His little voice almost broke my heart.
"Mummy, I'm a vampire too, my hearing is just as good as yours if not better! You wanna send her back to Landy don't you?"
"Cole, son your mother only wants what's best for Monica and for your brother, he misses his daughter. Do you understand that?" Caleb always had a way with words, and our little ones always listened.
"Mummy, daddy, please let her stay?"
Caleb looked torn, as I felt, we loved our granddaughter and she was fun to have around, but if one of our children had run off like this we would be heartbroken. I felt for my Landy, I really did.
"Cole sweetheart, Monica needs to be at home, with your brother, her father. If she was your daughter, would you not want her back?" Cole thought about it for a while, he seemed to be scanning my face, like his father would do.
"Listen son, why don't you go on upstairs and let me and mummy talk. Go play your games!" Cole reluctantly agreed and headed upstairs. This conversation was not for his pointy little vampire ears!
"What's up?"
"Mum and dad want to send Monica back to Forgotten Hollow!"
"Cole are you sure?"
"Yes Drake, I'm not stupid! It sucks!"
"Drake, you and your plans! What can we possibly do?"
"You leave that to me bro, I have my ways!"
My grandparents had summoned me to the kitchen. Maybe it was time for me to go home? I really didn't want to but if they said so, I'd have to go!
"Oh, um, no, just...come out into the hall with me, the twins have a surprise for you!"
I couldn't believe my eyes, when we walked out into the hall there was a cat carrier sitting there, out popped the cutest little fur ball I had ever seen. "The boys wanted to say thank you for...being such a great niece to them, they hope you like it!" Gamma smiled at me, as it raced away into the kitchen and I had to run and find it.
A little girl kitty, with the cutest green eyes and cheekiest face! Gamma said the twins wanted me to have a present and that it should be up to me when I leave.
I named her Baby, Baby Smallwood! My first child, and probably not my last, fur or otherwise! Those boys truly were sweethearts!
Baby joined me and Grandpa for our daily dose of reality television, I was so happy! I really thought I was going back home to face my mother! "Thanks for letting me stay here Grandpa, I really appreciate it!"
"Well we almost sent you home, but the boys begged us to let you work things out until you finished high school, and they wanted you to have something for being their best friend. They love you Monica, just like their big brother does! Like I do, and your Gamma! You can stay, but you know you will have to return to your parents at some point, right?" I nodded, I knew that, I just wasn't ready.
Gamma looked sad, I knew I was causing her turmoil, but I needed to think things through before I gave up the rest of my life to the prospect of being chosen to lead the third generation of this family.
Baby loved Grandpa, she would follow him around all the time, it worried him. He wasn't a cat person, he preferred dogs, but I was a cat lady at heart and I would make them love each other.
He had repaired the old virtual game in the basement for the boys, he was so handy that he would upgrade everything. He did that back in Wolfsbane Manor and now he was working his way through this gigantic house.
He had me test it, and apart from the odd electric shock, it was fun. He's a tweaker, I loved that about him! He got rid of the shocks and it was soon safe enough for two little boys to play it.
The time had finally come, my birthday was a day away and I was done with high school. I sat my Gamma down in her study and told her what I was planning to do. "Gamma, I'm going home, tonight!"
"Oh..." She looked a little sad, but apart from that her expression was difficult to read. "If that's what you think is right dear..."
"It is, I just want to thank you for indulging me. I understand now, what the legacy is and why I have to throw my hat in the ring."
"Well I'm glad you're finally on board darling, it's just something we Smallwoods have to do. You might not get chosen, you have a one in four chance."
"Okay look Gamma I said I understood, I didn't say I agree with it! It's wrong, to take away someone's autonomy. For people to put their lives on hold until an heir or heiress is chosen to lead the next generation. What if that chosen one had plans? To travel, to never marry or have kids?"
"And I respect your honesty. Your mother and father are missing you terribly. I believe you are departing now so you can celebrate your milestone birthday with them at Wolfsbane Manor?"
"Oh darling, I fear you will never be allowed out of their sight for a long time to come!" Gamma chuckled, she was only half joking. I packed my things, said goodbye to the twins and to Grandpa...
...then me and Baby headed for Forgotten Hollow. I really was nervous, what if they were mad and yelled at me?
"Mon Mon?" My dad was sitting looking lost in the living room when I came home, his eyes lit up when he saw me.
"No daddy, I'm home...for good!"
"I missed you too!"
Hugging my father felt so good, I never wanted to let go. I never realised just how much I had missed him until that moment.
"Are you sure? Doesn't she hate me? What if she doesn't want to ever see me again?" My dad chuckled at this, and shook his head with an amused grin.
"Baby girl, she cried herself to sleep every night you were gone, she will be over the moon to have you home!" I felt a little relieved and a little guilty over that. Poor mum! We had such an ugly fight, could we really get past that?
I heard the front door open a few hours later, my mother's voice shouting "I'm home!" gave me chills, I missed her voice so much. When she entered the living room she stopped dead in her tracks. "M-Monica?"
"Hi mum, I-I'm home!" She looked at me for what felt like ages, my heart was pounding, she did hate me!
Suddenly she grabbed me and pulled me in for the strongest hug she'd ever given me. She wept and sobbed and mumbled "Oh my little baby girl" over and over again. She had missed me, she didn't hate me, all was good with the world.
All that was left to do was reunite with my big handsome Spy Captain of a brother. He returned late that night all 007 and suave. I had missed him too! I was glad to be home!
It was my birthday! Today I became a young adult and gave my fate into the hands of a unknown force who will decide if I lead this family or get to live my life the way I see fit. Who knows what will happen...
...but my biggest task at that moment was to blow out these candles and find out what kind of woman I will become!
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