Monday 9 December 2019

Love Drunk Sims 4 Style: Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fourteen: The Mad Scientist & The Cat Lady


Drew finally had Charlotte alone in his room, he was going to ask her what she thought this was that they had together. But first he had somewhere he wanted to take her. "Char?"
"Mmmm?" Now or never!
"Um, I want to say something, I..."
"What is it Andrew?"
"I love you Charlotte, I've loved you since I first laid eyes on you and...well...I just wanted you to know that!"

Charlotte looked stunned, there was an excruciatingly long silence as Drew was beginning to regret ever opening his mouth. "Char, please! You don't have to say anything and I want you to know that this changes nothing, the only thing that has changed is that you now know how I feel!" She was still looking stunned, this was bad.
"Andrew, that's...that's...nice!" Nice? Nice? Oh God he'd blown it!
"I want to take you somewhere, I don't take just anyone and this is a special thing to me. Come on!" Drew took her by the hand and led her away and she didn't protest. In fact she was quite intrigued.

Charlotte stood in a strange hallway feeling rather confused. "Now like I said, I brought you here to prove how serious I am" Drew blushed, thinking maybe he was digging that hole even deeper, "Come on!" He opened the door they stood in front of and took a long, deep breath.

An old man sat in a chair by the window, humming away to himself. "Gramps? It's Andy, how are you doing today?" The old man called back to him,
"Is that you Joe?" As Drew sighed and led Charlotte further into the room.
"Yeah, yeah it's me. I brought a friend to meet you."

Drew's grandfather looked up at Charlotte and smiled, "Aww who's this pretty little thing?" She let out an uncontrollable giggle at being called pretty.
"Gramps, this is Charlotte, she's..." But before he could finish Charlotte announced,
"We're courting, your grandson and I are a couple. It is lovely to meet you..." Drew mumbled under his breath,
"Winston!" As Charlotte finished her sentence,
"Winston, lovely indeed!"

Drew looked at Charlotte with wide eyes, " mean that?"
"Why yes Andrew, of course I do. This, what you have shown me today, I understand how important he is to you and after you told me about your parents..." She trailed off, she wanted to cry at the thought of Drew's mother dying and his father leaving him when he was barely a teen. "...Andrew I am honoured to be here!"
"Well?" Winston piped up, "What're you waitin' for Joe? Kiss the girl already!" Drew scolded his grandfather and squeezed her hand instead.

"Why does he keep calling you Joe?" Charlotte asked quietly, looking from one to the other.
"Oh, he gets mixed up. Remember I told you he had Alzheimers? Well he thinks I'm my dad sometimes."
"Oh Andrew..."
"No no it's fine, he recognises me now and again, but mostly he thinks I'm Joe!" Charlotte wanted to hug Drew right there, she could see it hurt him but he smiled through it for the sake of his grandfather, the man who raised him.

"Joe? I miss little Andy, can't you make it up with Tara? It would mean the world to all of us, and I could see the boy again!" Charlotte's heart broke, clearly Winston was referring to Drew's parents and their breakup. Drew sniffed and knelt down to face his grandfather and smiled sadly.
"You'll see him again, I promise. Because he misses you so very much too!" Suddenly Winston's eyes were like saucers and he exclaimed in a mere whisper,
"Andy?" Drew nodded as the old man began to weep and laugh at the same time.

"Oh Andy, my boy, I've missed you! Oh play me a tune son!"
"Oh gramps..."
"No no, I have your old guitar over there, go on! Play! Please?" Drew nodded and picked up the guitar. Charlotte remembered him telling her that when he was 14 he pestered his mother for a guitar he had seen in the hardware shop window. She refused to buy him it, and he sulked for days. Then one night he came home from chess club and it was sitting on his bed. Six months later his mother was killed by a hit and run driver, and his life changed forever.

As Drew strummed on the instrument, he asked his grandfather a question, "You remember my girlfriend? Charlotte?" As Winston looked her up and down with a look of concentration as she waved feebly in his direction.
"Oh yeah, sure I do! The pretty girl, lucky boy Andy, she's goin' to give you gorgeous babies! Bit skinny though..." He trailed off as Charlotte couldn't control her giggling again. This was embarrassing but so adorable at the same time. Drew played a tune on the guitar and old Winston sang his heart out along with him.

After saying their goodbyes to his grandfather, Drew stood outside the nursing home with his girlfriend! He couldn't believe it! "Char, now we're away from gramps, do you really mean it? You're my girlfriend?"

"Why yes Andrew, I do mean it. I like you very much. I enjoy your company and honestly I can't imagine my life without you now." Drew could feel hot tears sting his cheeks, he was so happy. "It must be hard, when he can't remember. You're so very brave Andrew!" She took his hands and smiled.
"Yeah, it's tough, but now I have you so..." He shrugged, the rest didn't really have to be said.

"Can I..." Drew was blushing again, "...can I kiss you?"
"Andrew?" Charlotte replied sadly, "You have shown me your past, and I am very grateful but...I am not ready to share mine...yet! But when I am, that is when we can kiss! I hope you understand?" No he didn't, but this was important to her, like meeting Winston was to him, so he nodded and accepted her answer.

Just as they arrived home, Ash was rushing out the door with Erin chasing after him, he looked distraught. "Where the fuck have you been?" He shrieked at Drew.
"I...visiting gramps, why?" Ash hung his head, feeling bad that he yelled at him, he looked so scared.

"It's Dex...he...he's had an accident and..." Ash took several breaths to stop himself from bursting into tears in front of Erin and Charlotte. Erin spoke for him as she could see the look of confusion on Drew's face.
"It's bad Drew, he's had a bad fall and hit his head. We need to go to the hospital, now!"

As they all headed for the door, Charlotte called to them, "Wh-what about Lainie?" They all turned to look at her, "Lainie needs to know, they' know!" No explanation was needed as Drew banged on her door and got no answer, he even went in to look, something under normal circumstances gentleman Drew would never do, but this was an emergency.

"She's not here, we can call her from the hospital, you girls both have her number right?" The girls both nodded, and they all made their way to the hospital.

When Alex had called Lainie in a panic that morning, she went over to his place as asked. He seemed jittery, on edge, and the only thing that would calm him was affection. They kissed on the couch for a long time...

...Alex was extremely dominant, not that that was unusual, he always took charge but today it was an odd and wary feeling that sat in the pit of Lainie's stomach as he lifted her onto his lap and grunted her name as if she was his possession...

...and then they took it to the bedroom, he was a little more rough than usual, tearing at her clothes and throwing her face down on the bed. Alex was always rough and kind of selfishly clumsy in bed, but this time it was different. He was needy, grabby and insisted that she told him she loved him over and over again as he growled "You're mine Evelyn!" repeatedly while holding her by the throat. He refused to face her and took her from behind, painfully! It was as if he was punishing her for something!

It wasn't a pleasant or pleasurable experience for her, but then again it never was unless she could pretend he was Dexter, and even then she imagined Dexter would be a far better lover. She didn't know any better than Alex, because he had been her first and only sexual partner Lainie believed that all men were like this...until Dexter Maloney touched her and she discovered that a man could be gentle. She always dreamed that Dexter would be different, that he'd tend to her needs as well as his own, rather than leaving her sore and unsatisfied. He would be caring and loving and so very tender...

...and last longer than a few minutes. She imagined Dexter would last all night and that was an image worth holding onto through this mediocre and violent performance. At least there was one advantage to this bullish position Alex had her in, she didn't have to see his face which made it easier to think of Dexter holding her and caressing her tenderly. Wow was Lainie scared, intimidated, bored and frustrated with Alex, she was so done with him! She was going to end things, it was going nowhere and she knew in her heart that she loved someone else. She would get dressed and she would do it today!

As she was about to get up, her phone rang and Alex opened his eyes, "Is that you or me?"
"Me!" She looked at the caller, Charlotte, and picked it up, "Hi Charlotte, everything okay?"

"Oh Lainie, no, no everything is bad, very bad!"
"What's wrong? Is it your cats?"
"No, it's...oh Lainie I don't know how to tell you..."
"Charlotte you're scaring me!"

"It's Dexter Maloney, he...he's in hospital, he fell down the stairs at the gallery's bad dear, you must come!" Lainie stood feeling numb, she wanted to scream or cry but her body wouldn't let her. She could hear Alex talking but she couldn't take it in. Dexy, my sweet boy, my Dexy!

"Lainie!" Alex was standing right in front of her as she snapped back into reality.
"I have to go!" She announced and scrambled around for her clothes, getting dressed as Alex interrogated her.
"It's Dexy, he's in hospital, he''s bad apparently!"

Alex stood in her way as she was about to stand up and run to the door, "And what's that got to do with you?"
"Alex!" She couldn't believe he said that!
"He's a big boy, he'll live! If it's his head it won't do him any damage!" What? Lainie shook her head clear, trying to forget he said something so horrible.

"I have to go, he needs me!"
"No! You are my girlfriend, you are not leaving me! He has family and friends, he doesn't need you..."
"I'M HIS FRIEND!" Lainie yelled, how could he be like this??? He was so cold!

As she opened the door to leave, Alex called to her in a panicked voice, "You walk out that door, don't bother to come back! Do you hear me?"

"I'm sorry Alex, this is something I have to do!" Thank you for making it so much easier for me, she thought to herself. Dexy was her number one priority and Alex didn't even make that list!

Everyone was sitting in the waiting room looking stunned. As soon as Ash saw Lainie he jumped up and crushed her in a hug, she concluded that it was more for his benefit than hers. "Oh Lainie, it's bad! It's so bad!" Over his shoulder she spotted poor Avril, biting her nails and pacing the floor. Her son was in there, and Ash told her no one knew exactly what had happened yet, only that Mr King had found Dexter in a pool of blood at the bottom of the stairs. 

"Lainie? What if he never wakes up?" She could see tears form in Ashton's eyes as he searched hers for answers, answers she couldn't give.
"I don't know, I...let's just wait and see, eh?"

Avril approached her with a sad smile, "Hello Lainie, thank you for coming. Dexter will be happy to see you when..." She couldn't finish the sentence, her eyes glistened with tears and she tried to smile.
"I'm so sorry, this must be hard. But I know Dexy and he will come through this, he's strong!" Avril nodded and they sat down together. Only then Lainie realised how sore Alex had left her from their recent session.

"You know Lainie, I still don't understand what happened. Did he fall? He wasn't...suicidal...was he?" Lainie shook her head vehemently.
"No not at all, this's just been an unfortunate accident." Lainie instantly had a flashback from earlier, when Alex had said something horrible, something so vile. No! He wouldn't...ridiculous Lainie, get that out of your head. Just as she was mentally scolding herself for having such crazy and unfounded thoughts, a doctor appeared and had a long chat with Ashton and Avril.

One person was allowed in with Dexter's mother and brother, Drew gave Lainie that chance since she looked so utterly heartbroken but trying to keep it together for Ash and Avril at the same time. The doctor had explained that Dexter had hit his head when he fell, that he was concussed and needed a few stitches on his head but apart from that he was very lucky he hadn't broken any bones, and he would likely make a full recovery, except...

...they couldn't understand why he hadn't come round yet. He was found unconscious, and hadn't regained consciousness since then. All they could do was wait it out and hope he would wake up by himself, the next 24 hours were crucial and Lainie was so terrified she'd never get to tell him how much she loved him. He looked like he was sleeping, "My beautiful boy!" She whispered as Avril stroked his hair and sobbed, the tears finally came as Ash mumbled,
"C'mon little bro, quit messin' about and wake up!"

Eventually Avril left to give Drew a chance to see him, he didn't stay, he couldn't see his best friend like that it was too much. So that left Lainie and Ash alone, with sleeping beauty. "You don't have to stay, I can call you if anything..." Ash didn't get to finish as Lainie snapped back at him,
"No!" Then realising the aggression in her tone, she replied softly,
"No I need to be here, when he wakes up." Ash nodded and let her sit by his brother's bedside for as long as she needed.

Ash took a break, looking for a coffee machine when Erin approached him and tried to hug him. "Hey, how are you doing?" 

He didn't know why but he really needed to be alone, and she was just getting on his nerves, all she was doing was trying to be a caring girlfriend and all he wanted to do was push her away.
"Erin, give me some space eh?"

"I need to be there for Dex, I can't have any...other...stuff, do you understand?" He was talking to her like she was a child, she really thought that they'd got past that. The hurt in her eyes was unmissable, he felt a little guilty but his yearning to be on his own overpowered his conscience.
"Y-yes, of-of c-course! If that's what you need!" She stammered, trying to smile but feeling so sad that it was impossible.

 He left her standing in the hallway looking completely lost. His brother was all he could think about right now, and despite loving Erin very much, she was not his top priority. All Erin wanted was to be there and support her man, his rejection broke her heart. Unable to tolerate his cold shoulder, she made her excuses and left the hospital, back to the safety of her room at home.

Lainie still sat by Dexter's side, tears blinding her eyes as she looked at her beautiful boy's face, still so handsome. Until his eyes opened she was going nowhere, she kept going over what Alex had said before she left, trying to make sense of it all. Trying to understand how ridiculous her thoughts were. "He's a big boy, he'll live! If it's his head it won't do him any damage!" No, this was stupid, once Dexy woke up she would get him to back her up and say he just fell!

Ash walked in on her thinking the worst, he half smiled at her and sat opposite her. "You okay?" Silly question but it was a conversation starter.
"Yeah..." She trailed off, still gazing at Dexter.
"Listen, if you need a break, just say."
"Ashton I already told you! I'm going nowhere until he wakes up! End of conversation!"
"Okay little lady, you got it!" Ash shrugged, he really was a sweetheart like his brother.

"How are you doing?" She turned the tables on him, "If you want Erin to take you home..."
"Erin's already gone, we're...I'm going to take a break from...that." Lainie was taken by surprise over this, they seemed so loved up.
"Look my brother is my number one priority, I have no time for distractions! The doctor said that when he wakes up he might have developed epilepsy due to the severe concussion, he'll need me!"

"Ashton, Erin isn't a distraction she's your girlfriend! And believe me when you have a partner who wants to support you and love you through this, then you're the lucky one!" Ash looked her up and down like she was an alien, but then he realised she was making sense. And then he realised that she was obviously referring to Alex and his lack of support and compassion for her and her feelings. Dick!

Alex was a dick, but Ash felt like a dick too! He'd been awful to Erin, but he truly couldn't deal with her right now because to him she was a distraction! Dexter just had to wake up and then everything would be back to normal! 

He looked over at the small figure across from him, she was most definitely in love with his little brother and it devastated him and warmed his heart all at the same time. He made up his mind there and then that when Dexter woke up he would apologise to Erin and make it up to her.

As Erin packed her bags and surveyed the room she had lived in for just a couple of weeks, she felt an ache in her heart. She had been so in love with Ashton Maloney, so much so that she got caught up in the fantasy. Now she had come back down to earth with a crash and it sucked. How did she ever think that this was going to work?

Roxy tried to talk her out of leaving but she wasn't for turning, "Erin think about this, once Dexter is back on his feet Ash will come round!"
"I don't want to wait and find out Roxy, he's hurt me enough! You'll keep me informed about Dexter?" Roxy nodded,
"Every day sweetie!"

Roxy pulled Erin in for a hug, she and Lainie had really become fond of her and felt like she was the little sister they never had. Now she was leaving, Lainie would be heartbroken. "Safe journey kiddo."
"Tell Lainie I'm sorry!" Even after Ash had dealt her a fatal blow she was still thinking of others, Erin Daley was a really sweet young girl, Ash was a fool!

Matt wrapped his arms around Roxy and tried to comfort her as Erin got in her taxi and was gone, on her way to Twinbrook to stay with her parents. She had quit her job in the hairdressers and was off to start afresh. "You wanna go to the hospital? See what's happening?" Matthew whispered in Roxy's ear.

"No, there's already plenty of people there, I'll wait for Lain to call. Anyway, didn't you say you wanted to educate me in the ways of the force?" Matthew's eyes lit up, 
"You wanna start the Star Wars marathon now?"
"No time like the present eh?" Roxy shrugged as he did a little dance and ran to his room to get his Blu-rays.

If truth be told, she really needed a distraction because the thought of Dexter lying in a hospital bed made her feel so very sad.

Late that night, Alex stood outside Dexter's hospital room watching his girlfriend crying over his body. His still alive body, damn! And because neither his girlfriend nor Dexter's brother would leave that little fucker alone, Alex had no way of finishing the job. 

A pillow over the face should do it, he just needed Lainie or the brother to go for a drink or something and then Dexter fucking Maloney would be out of the picture like he should have been this morning!

Yes he had to go, and Alex would not rest until it was done!

To Be Continued...

Wow that Alex is a bad 'un! Next chapter we will see more of Lainie and Alex's relationship imploding, while Selena appears wanting to see her poor injured beau! Will he wake up?

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